Jungle Kingdom Bouquet


    NOTE - Please choose a delivery time of 1 or 2 hours before the start of the event, so that the balloons last long.

Jungle Kingdom Bouquet is the most amazing birthday party favorite as it is sure to educate and entertain young children. This funny Jungle Kingdom Bouquet will create a wonderful impression for children 1 to 9 during their birthday celebration and explain how it brightens up the party. The set includes a funny monkey, a Gold Orb Balloon with a Message, Foil Number balloons, 5 Jungle head and jungle head bouquets, and Bouquets of Balloons that are liked by all children and kids at heart.

Package Details:

  • 4 Jungle Head bouquets
  • 1 Gold Orb Balloon with Message
  • 1 Foil Number – 40 inches (Gold)
  • 5 Jungle head – Small
  • Bouquets of Balloons