Jungle Kingdom Bouquet


    NOTE - Kindly schedule the delivery 1 to 2 hours before the event starts. Since the helium balloons have a lifespan of 5 to 6 hours, please plan accordingly.

Jungle Kingdom Bouquet is the most amazing birthday party favorite as it is sure to educate and entertain young children. This funny Jungle Kingdom Bouquet will create a wonderful impression for children 1 to 9 during their birthday celebration and explain how it brightens up the party. The set includes a funny monkey, a Gold Orb Balloon with a Message, Foil Number balloons, 5 Jungle head and jungle head bouquets, and Bouquets of Balloons that are liked by all children and kids at heart.

Package Details:

  • 4 Jungle Head bouquets
  • 1 Gold Orb Balloon with Message
  • 1 Foil Number – 40 inches (Gold)
  • 5 Jungle head – Small
  • Bouquets of Balloons