Despicable Me Balloon Bouquet


    NOTE - Kindly schedule the delivery 1 to 2 hours before the event starts. Since the helium balloons have a lifespan of 5 to 6 hours, please plan accordingly.

Our Despicable Me inflated balloon bouquet is ideal as an addition to a themed party or as a decoration for any Despicable Me Minions party. This bouquet features 3 despicable me-themed balloons with all of the favorite minions. These balloons are specially designed for minion theme parties. This bouquet is a fun party decoration and a thoughtful gift for children. They make great accents for a birthday party, party room, or any event. These minion balloons add extra fun to the party, and never go unnoticed. Book your order online now.

Product Details

  • Minions Balloon – Set of 5
  • 2 Caribbean Blue Round Balloon
  • 2 Despicable Me Balloon – Minions
  • 1 Despicable Me Balloon

About the Product

Despicable Me Minion Balloon Bouquet Party Supplies in Bangalore

Planning to throw a themed birthday Party for your kid? Visit Book My Balloons to explore our despicable Me-Minion balloon sets. These inflated balloons are ideal for any grand or intimate occasion that includes kids.

This package features a set of five Minion balloons, including two Caribbean blue round balloons, two Despicable Me-Minion balloons and one Despicable Me balloon. All come at affordable prices. These balloon bouquets are amazing gifts for kids, and they will feel happy and excited instantly. Whether it’s a birthday party, themed party, kids’ event, or school celebration, these Despicable Me minion balloons are a fantastic addition to the decoration.

These balloons can be inflated by air and helium and make the party venue adorable. Take your kids’ party to the next level by booking our Despicable Me Minion balloon bouquet party supplies in Bangalore. Browse through our website to find more suitable decor that your party requires. Book your orders before the start of the event to ensure a seamless event. Our team will handle all your orders with care and deliver them on time to your doorsteps.

Book My Balloons is a reliable online provider of party decorations and rental services to make your events unforgettable. We provide a wide range of party balloons, helium balloons, car decors, surprise gifts, balloon arches and more. Our rental services include photo booths, photographers and videographers, magicians, event coordinators, Bouncing castles, nail colouring artists, hair colouring artists, and more at reasonable prices. We provide online delivery services throughout Bangalore to make your shopping experience fun.