Rose Gold Bouquet


    NOTE - Kindly schedule the delivery 1 to 2 hours before the event starts. Since the helium balloons have a lifespan of 5 to 6 hours, please plan accordingly.

Add a classy touch to your event with this gorgeous floral arrangement. The unique design of this arrangement makes it easy to showcase in a variety of settings, including long tables and mantels. Made from quality materials, it is guaranteed to make the day with its stunning beauty. This combo contains rose gold heart foil, rose gold confetti, and 5 latex balloons that are perfect for any romantic occasion. It’s sure to bring a smile to their face. Our combos are the perfect solution for the party, and It comes with everything you need to decorate your space quickly and easily.

Product Details – 22 pcs

  • 2 Rose Gold Heart Foil
  • 10 Rose Gold Confetti
  • 10 Rose Gold Balloons