Shubh Diwali Bouquet


    NOTE - Kindly schedule the delivery 1 to 2 hours before the event starts. Since the helium balloons have a lifespan of 5 to 6 hours, please plan accordingly.

Diwali is the celebration of light and Shubh means auspicious. Celebrate this festival with us in a new way and make this occasion special. The Shubh Diwali bouquet is one of the most fabulous gifts for the Diwali festival in India. Its price is very affordable for all. It includes more than 600 gm of sweets with one big candle. So it will be a big surprise for your family and relatives. These items are carefully hand-picked for their quality & freshness. The stunning flowers, crisp delicious sweets, and gift items will help deliver the celebration at the home.

Product Details

  • Shubh Diwali Balloon With Bouquets
  • 20 Helium Balloons
  • 1 Jumbo Balloons with Shubh Diwali Text