Sparkling Love Bouquet


    NOTE - Please choose a delivery time of 1 or 2 hours before the start of the event, so that the balloons last long.

A celebration without a balloon will not be ideal for parties, events, and other special occasions. Surprise your loved one with this sparkling love bouquet will be more romantic and make your loved one special. In this Sparkling Love bouquet, you can find a lot of balloons. This sparkling love bouquet will be a more romantic way to surprise your loved one on a special occasion as well as make them feel special. You should use our best balloons for your event or party. Make your loved ones special with our Heart Shape Sparkling Love Bouquet.

Product Details

  • Balloon Bouquet
  • LOVE foil balloon
  • 2 heart foil balloons
  • 30 colored chrome and normal balloons